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JAX-WS in Liferay DXP/7

Liferay provides JAX web services implementation using Apache CXF. There are two types of web services Liferay supports. 1) JAX-WS 2) JAX-RS.

Here I am going to explain JAX-WS in Liferay 7/DXP.

There are basically two things you need to understand to create JAX web services in Liferay.

  1. CXF Endpoints

  • CXF Endpoints are context paths where JAX web services are deployed. E.g you can define CXF endpoints /soap and then you can create extender which deploy web services to this context path.
  1. Extenders

  • Extender is used to deploy web services to specified CXF endpoints. For example, If you define /soap endpoint while creating extender then all the web services registered with this extender will be available at /soap endpoint.

There are two types of extender : SOAP Extenders and REST Extenders. SOAP Extenders are used to publish JAX-WS web services and REST Extenders are used to publish JAX-RS web services.

You can define CXF endpoints and extenders from control panel or programmatically. Here I am going to show you programmatically.

First create module project of service type in your IDE.

Add Configuration Path :

Add following configuration attributes in bnd.bnd file.

configurationPath: /configuration
Include-Resource: configuration=src/main/resources/configuration


src/main/resources/configuration is path where you will define configuration for endpoints and extenders.


Configure CXF Endpoints :

Create a file com.liferay.portal.remote.cxf.common.configuration.CXFEndpointPublisherConfiguration-cxf in configuration folder.


Here I am going to define /soap context path as following.



AuthVerifier properties: Any properties defined here are passed as-is to the AuthVerifier filter. See the AuthVerifier documentation for more details.

Configure SOAP Extender :

Create a file com.liferay.portal.remote.soap.extender.configuration.SoapExtenderConfiguration-soap in configuration folder.

Define extender which will deploy web services to /soap context path.

jaxWsServiceFilterStrings=(component.name={{jax-ws service class}})


Create JAX-WS service class:


package com.st.liferay7.jaxws.calculatorservice;

import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;

import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;

immediate = true,
property = "jaxws=true",
service = Calculator.class

public class Calculator {
   public int divide(int a, int b) {
       return a / b;

   public int multiply(int a, int b) {
       return a * b;

   public int subtract(int a, int b) {
       return a - b;

   public int sum(int a, int b) {
       return a + b;


To publish JAX-WS web services via SOAP in a Liferay Portal CE 7.0 module, annotate the class and its methods with standard JAX-WS annotations. For example, the above class uses the @WebService annotation for the class and @WebMethod annotations for its methods. You must also set the jaxws property to true in the OSGi @Component annotation.

Deploy module on your Liferay server. If module is configured and deployed properly you can see cxf endpoint and soap extender created from Control Panel > Configuration > System Settings.

You can see all the web services from /o/{{cxfendpoints}} path. Here try /o/soap, it will show list of web services registered for /soap context path.

That’s it.

Download :

soap calculator service(jar)

For more implementation details or support you may contact us at [email protected].

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