CAS Integration With Confluence


The Central Authentication Service (CAS) is a single sign-on protocol for the web. Its purpose is to permit a user to access multiple applications while providing their credentials (such as userid and password) only once. It also allows web applications to authenticate users without gaining access to a user's security credentials, such as a password. The name CAS also refers to a software package that implements this protocol.

In this blog, you can find steps for setting up CAS server and integration with Alfresco.

Environment Details and Software Versions

  • Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
  • Jasig CAS 3.5.2.
  • Confluence 5.9.8, Confluence 5.9.9.


  • Basic Knowledge of Alfresco system, CAS Server and Apache web server.

Step-1: Setup a CAS server. You can find the steps to setup CAS from the following Blog:

Step-2: Stop the Confluence system and add “cas-client-core-3.3.3.jar” and “cas-client-integration-atlassian-3.3.3.jar” in $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/WEB-INF/lib.

Step-3: Add the following cas client filter configuration to the end of the filter list in $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/WEB-INF/web.xml


Step-4: Before the login filter-mapping add the following CAS client filter mapping in $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/WEB-INF/web.xml


Step-5: Add the Single Sign Out listener to the list of listener list too in $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/WEB-INF/web.xml


Step-6: Modify the following in $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/WEB-INF/classes/seraph-config.xml

<param-name>login.url</param-name> <!--<param-value>/login.action?os_destination=${originalurl}</param-value>--> <param-value>${originalurl}</param-value>

Step-7: Comment out the DefaultAuthenticator and add JASIG CAS Confluence Authenticator in $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/WEB-INF/classes/seraph-config.xml

<authenticator class="org.jasig.cas.client.integration.atlassian.Confluence35CasAuthenticator"/> 

Step-8: Configure CAS Logout instead of Confluence logout:

  1. Copy “$CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/WEB-INF/lib/confluence-5.9.9.jar” to a temporary directory.
  2. Unpack the jar.
  3. Copy xwork.xml to $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/WEB-INF/classes.
  4. Edit $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/WEB-INF/classes/xwork.xml, find the logout action and comment out the success result and replace it as shown below.
<action name="logout" class="com.atlassian.confluence.user.actions.LogoutAction">
<interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"/>
<result name="error" type="velocity">/logout.vm</result>
<!-- <result name="success" type="redirect">${logoutUrl}</result> -->
<result name="success" type="redirect">

Step-9: Add JVM certificate in $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/jre/lib/security/cacerts

sudo keytool -import -keystore $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/jre/lib/security/cacerts -alias cas_cert -file /etc/certificate-directory/certificate 

Step-10: Set environment variable in $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/bin/


Step-11: Finally, restart Confluence system. Now your Confluence system is ready for CAS authentication.

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