Liferay DXP 7.3 New Features


Are you excited to know about Liferay DXP 7.3 new features?

If your answer is yes then you are at the right place. Liferay 7.3 DXP introduces a number of new features which include page designing, content publishing, application builder, API explorer, security, and search improvements.

1. Building And Designing Master Pages :

In terms of designing and creating pages now even, non-technical users can also create their master pages. Master pages mean common areas where they can define header, footer, and sidebars.

Below image is the view of creating a master page where we are able to view fragments and widgets. We can drag and drop headers. footers, sidebar, slider, videos, and many more. We can also drag and drop widgets on pages.

During the page creation process, keyboard shortcuts can be used for undo and redo actions. This is a responsive page editor. We can also check how our page will look on different devices like laptops, mobile, and tablets, etc.

Build and Design Master Pages

2. Schedule Content Publishing :

By using a new publication feature users who create content can publish their changes on a specific schedule. By creating publications we can allow other users to update their changes if content can have more than one creator. We can review their changes and be able to resolve conflicts if the content is updated by multiple creators.

To use the publication feature first we have to enable it so click on the global menu and go to the settings in publication and enable it as per the below image and click on submit.

Enable Publication Feature in Liferay DXP 7.3

After we enable publication let’s create one. Go to the global menu then by clicking on publication we are able to view the ongoing, scheduled, and history of publications.

View Publication in Liferay DXP 7.3

To create a new publication click on the plus button it will open up the screen like the image below. Fill out the name and description of the publication and click on the create button so your publication is created.

Create New Publication in Liferay DXP 7.3

3. Application Builder :

Application builder is used to digitize and automate the business process. By using application builder we can create simple or complex forms and deploy them as a widget or at specific URLs like Liferay forms.

But with an application builder, we can do more things like separate form data, deploy to the product menu, display data at multiple places, deploy multiple forms for one object, deploy multiple data record views for one data object.

We can create applications by using forms, table views, and workflow.

To create the first application let’s start with a custom object.

3.1 Creating Custom Object :

Go to the control panel and select objects and it will open the view like below. Click on the plus button on the right side and it will ask the name of the custom object, give the name and continue.

3.2 Creating Form View :

After continuing from the custom object we can create a form view by drag and drop from available builder fields like textbox, single and multiple select boxes, date field, file upload, etc.. as shown in the below image.

create form view in Liferay dxp 7.3

3.3 Creating Table view :

This view is used to display data that is submitted by filling a form view. In the table view, we can edit and delete data.

To create a table view go to the custom objects, go to the tab table-view, and create one. here we are able to view all fields that we have already used in our first form of view. We can drag and drop these fields to display table data as shown in the below image.

Create Table view in Liferay DXp 7.3

3.4 Create And Deploy The Application :

To deploy an application first create an application by opening a global menu, selecting the objects under app builder and then selecting a created custom object from the list, and then select the created form view.

Select Form View in Liferay DXP 7.3

Then select the created table view like below.

Select Created Table View in Liferay DXP

From deployment options, enable deployment of applications as a widget.

We can also deploy applications as standalone and product menus.

Now click on the deploy button to deploy the application which will show the message “app is deployed successfully.” We can use this application widget on any site page.

Deploy Application in Liferay DXP 7.3

4. Liferay API Explorer For Headless API Access :

API Explorer is used to exploring all Liferay Rest Services and GraphQL APIs.

This headless API access gives freedom to developers to use their own head or frontend to access cms content on different platforms like web, mobile, tablet, and smartwatches.

We can monitor, run, and test the queries using API explorer before we use them in our application. Api explorer can be accessed at http[s]://[hostname]:[port]/o/api.

Liferay API Explorer For Headless API Access

4.1 Open API Validator

The API validator will inform us if any configuration file has errors and also let us know if there are any unsupported features.

4.2 Advantages of Headless API :

  • Support batch operations.
  • Expose the action to users only they can perform.
  • We can get content through the APIs and use it outside the Liferay.
  • Documents stored in the asset library can be accessed through the APIs so we can use it as a repository for other applications.

5. Search Engine Changes And Enhancements :

Liferay 7.3 DXP has the following changes and enhancements for a search engine connection with elastic search.

  • Connect Liferay DXP with multiple elastic search clusters.
  • In-stand of transport clients, Liferay uses rest clients to communicate with elastic search.
  • We can use widget templates for search widget customization.
  • Elastic search 7 support for Liferay DXP.

6. Application Security :

Liferay7.3 DXP improves the following areas for application-level security :

6.1 MultiFactor authentication:

Liferay7.3 DXP improves the Instead of basic authentication using username and password multiple authentication forces users to prove their identity by considering multiple factors like using OTP(One time password) and IP address configuration. We can enable and disable it from the authentication control panel.

6.2 SAML configuration :

We can do SAML configuration at the instance level which also includes handling certificates.SAML property will identify the behavior of LDP connection for the unknown user’s means which users are not present in the database. So the user is authenticated by an existing stranger handling policy.

6.3 OAuth-2 configuration :

Instance level OAuth to application scope is changed so we have more control over the presentation of scopes during authorization. Expire authorization configuration is no longer available because expired authorization data will be removed automatically using scheduler which is running in the background.

6.4 OpenId configuration :

Using OpenID authentication users can authenticate accounts on other systems. Now we can use different OpenID connect providers for each instance.

6.5 Cors (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) Configuration :

We can do CORS settings at the instance level. so the URL pattern is matched at instance level first then with system level.

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