Desclaimer: This example is developed using Liferay 7.0 beta version(liferay-portal-tomcat-7.0-ce-b7). This example might not work with other than beta versions.
In last few years, there is a sharp increase in usage of gadgets like mobile, large desktop TV’s and many more. Users also like to visit their sites on every gadgets with proper arrangement of site elements and look and feel..
People are using liferay 6.2 with bootstrap 2 to get responsive functionality. As we are looking forward to make more responsive sites, Liferay 7 provides it with bootstrap 3 which is more efficient, coherent and more responsive than bootstrap 2.
Bootstrap 3 supports mobile first approach as mobile devices are most used gadget in today’s world. Liferay 7 provides rapid theme development using bootstrap 3.
“Less Code , More Responsiveness”
For theme development startup, Following requirements are needed.
Startup Requirements :-
Liferay 7 beta version
Liferay plugin SDK
Theme Development:-
Here I will demonstrate by creating sample theme.
Follow the below steps to create a theme.
Open IDE(Eclipse/Liferay Developer Studio). Go to File -> New -> Liferay Plugin Project. Make the following selections:
Build type: Ant (liferay-plugins-sdk) / Maven (liferay-maven-plugin)
Plugins SDK: [a configured Plugins SDK]
Liferay runtime: [a configured Liferay runtime]
Plugin Type: Theme
JDK: [a configured Java runtime 7 and above]
Click Next
Choose parent theme (_styled / _unstyled / classic). For now select classic as a parent theme.
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