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Liferay Local Live vs Remote Live Staging


Local Live Staging

Remote Live Staging



After enabling staging




Time requires to publish changes



Staged content


Undeploy the portlet

With Local Live staging, both your staging environment and your live environment are hosted on the same server.

When Local Live staging is enabled for a site, a clone of the site is created containing copies of all of the site’s existing pages. Portlet data is also copied, depending on which portlets are selected when staging is enabled. The cloned site becomes the staging environment and the original site becomes the live environment.

Local Live staging allows you to publish site changes very quickly, since the staged and live environments are on the same server


The staged content is stored in the same database as the production content, the content isn’t as well protected or backed up as with Remote Live staging. Also, you can’t install new versions of portlets for testing purposes in a Local Live staging environment since only one version of a portlet can be installed at any given time on a single Liferay server.

Since the portlet data are same for both staging and live environment, if portlet is undeployed from server, then portlet will be no longer available in both staging and live environment.

With Remote Live staging, your staging environment and your live environment are hosted on the different servers.

When Remote Live staging is enabled for a site, a connection is established between the current site and another site on a remote Liferay server. The remote site becomes the live environment and the current site becomes the staging environment.


Remote Live staging , It will take comparatively more time to publish site changes, since the staged and live environments are on the different servers.

Your staging and live environments are hosted on separate servers. This allows you to deploy new versions of portlets and content to your staging environment without worrying about interfering with your live environment.


If you undeploy portlet from staging environment, live environment won’t be affected by doing this.


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