Liferay Training Services

Liferay Training is the quickest way to learn best practices for developing Liferay plugins, successful deployment, tuning of Liferay Portal, administration. Become involved in our Liferay training program to find out the true potential of Liferay. 

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Our Expert Liferay Training Programs 

Our Liferay Certified Experts provide Liferay Training services across the world. We provide Liferay developer training on Liferay fundamentals, such as correctly managing users with Organizations, managing content with Sites, restricting access to content using Roles and Permissions, and creating new pages and content using Liferay's Content Management System.

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  • This is a four-day training program; developers will learn to create portlets and customize portal functionality using Liferay. Topics include Liferay Portal Development, Liferay Portlet development training for Plugins, Theme and Layout Template Development, and advanced techniques and CRUD operations. Participants will also cover permissions, debugging, extending core portlets, and customizing the control panel, gaining hands-on experience with Liferay Service Builder, Alloy UI, and various APIs. 

  • This is a three-day training program; System Administrators will learn to install and configure the Liferay server. Topics include getting started with Liferay Portal, integrating it with an enterprise database, configuring LDAP for user account management, and installing Liferay plugins. Participants will explore core components such as users, groups, roles, permissions, sites, and organizations, and Liferay's Content Management System and workflow management. Advanced topics like clustering, performance tuning, and monitoring will also be covered. 

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Benefits of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

What is WCAG? WCAG stands for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and it is a list of guidelines for increasing web content Accessibility. These are standers define by an organization called World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). WCAG Guidelines provide ways of how to make web content accessible to people with different disabilities or how web content can be accessible in different ways. Web “content” refers to the information relay inside a web page or web application, that can include text,...

Liferay Service Tracker

The Liferay portal provides an OSGi framework for the collaborative environment of objects which are registered as services. Those Declarative Services are ways to share services between the components. When we declare java class as component (using @component annotation) then that component gets registered with the services, which will be available for use for other components. DS service components are marked with @component annotation, and also implement or extend a service class. It’s...

SystemCheckers In Liferay 7.2/DXP

Introduction Liferay 7.2 introduces so many new features compared to older version. In this blog I’ll show you one of the Liferay 7.2 feature called  SystemCheckers . In older versions of liferay sometimes we faced an issue is that when an environment started, they might have a false impression that everything was fine because there were no errors generated into the logs. But still we are not able to use some of the services or modules. For example we might have DS services in our Component...


A wide number of subjects are covered in Liferay training classes, such as:

  • Workflow and process management
  • Content management
  • Portlet development
  • Liferay DXP architecture and components
  • Integration with other systems

The majority of Liferay training courses are accessible to anyone with a fundamental understanding of web development ideas, while some may have requirements, such as programming experience. 

Indeed, Liferay provides administrators, architects, and developers with certification programs. These certifications can attest to your proficiency with Liferay DXP.

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2 - 4 October 2024

Hall: 10, Booth: #B8 Brussels, Belgium